Friday, October 22, 2010

The Seven Chakras

Crown: The top of your Head.

Brow: The Center of your forehead, above the eyebrow (also known as the third eye).

Throat: The center of your throat.

Heart: The center of your chest.

Solar Plexus: Behind the soft cartilage the bottom of your breast bone.

Sacral: Just below your naval.

Base: The coccyx at the base of your spine.

*I found this in a book called, The complete guide to chakra healing*

Monday, October 18, 2010

Craft Show

This weekend I did a craft show in Housatonic, Ma. Friday night it was from 6pm to 9pm and Saturday it was from 10am to 1pm. There was more of a crowd Friday night than there was Saturday. I made some new contacts for networking, which always make me happy. I found that there are more people out and looking at things than there are people buying things. That is the way you find good ideas for presents for christmas and birthday.