Wednesday, November 4, 2009


These are some of the book marks I have made lately.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Craft Show in Vermont

I was invited to go to a craft show in Vermont with my best friend and her mom. First there was an entrance fee. We stopped and looked at some jewelry, leather booths,wildlife picture booth and some food booths. I could not believe some of the prices that people were charging for things. I did see some nice jewelry and I did get a few new ideas.

One lady did some nice polymer clay necklaces, and bracelets. I asked her if she made them all herself and she said that she did. I also asked if she would consider just selling some of them that she makes and she got mad and said that she does not sell them. She was very rude about it.

I love pocketbooks and wallets. I had stopped at a few leathers booth because I had wanted a small leather handbag to carry everything in. The cheapest one I found started at sixty dollars. Sorry, I do not have that type of money to spend on a bag.

I love animals most especially wolves. I saw a few pictures of wolves, wolves eyes and some wild cats. The pictures started at two hundred and fifty and went up. Too expensive for my taste and my budget.

As for the food part that was expensive too. For a soup mix it was five dollars and it said it served four people but actually would have served two for a good bowl of soup. Some of the dips that I tried were really good but they where three for ten. plus you still had to buy the sour cream and what ever else you want for it.

After looking at this show I have decided that I will not go back next year. But the good thing I realize that my prices for my jewelry are very reasonable. I cannot believe some of the prices that they were charging.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Started My Product Catalog

Well I have started to work on a product catalog for my business. I have started to do it in categories like checkbook covers, pins, bookmarks, earrings, bracelets, anklets, necklaces and cell phones charms. I am also going to use it for my inventory. I am thinking that I will make a section for necklace sets. Yesterday I finished working on the checkbook cover section. I am not sure want section to work on next. I am still taking more pictures of my stuff that I have made.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Our Easter Lily

This is our lily. Its as tall as our fence seperating us from our neighbors. I thought since it was an Easter lily, it would come out around Easter. I like going out an smelling it. Pretty soon the fall flowers will be coming up.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Our Outdoor Pet

This is our outdoor pet. My youngest daughter named him Chuckie. This was the first picture that I could get of him with out him running away.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Jewelry that I made

This is some of the new jewelry that I have made in the last two weeks.
The Necklace set that I made with the earrings was a birthday present for my friend.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Railroad Days

In a few weeks we have what we call Railroad Days. Starting tonight they have a carnival for the kids thru July 12Th. From July 13th to the17th, there are different activities to do during the day. On the 18th and 19th are the craft show days. I have been accepted for one of their vendors. I am looking foward to doing this two day show this year. I have been busy making new jewelry for the show.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Full Moon

This picture was taken a few weeks ago from my backyard when the moon was out.

Friday, June 19, 2009


January- Garnet: stability, devotion, commitment

February- Amethyst: Stability, peace, intuition

March- Aquamarine: Courage, preparedness, self- expression

April- Diamond: Courage, healing, spirituality

May- Emerald: Love, sensitivity, loyalty

June- Pearl: Purity, faith, sincerity

July- Ruby: Spiritual, wisdom, wealth, love

August- Peridot: Healing, understanding, friendliness

September- Sapphire: Beauty, prosperity, intuition

October- Opal: Hope, wealth, health

November- Citrine: Optimism, joy, mental, awakening

December- Turquoise: Cleansing, valor, protection

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Attention Doughnut Lovers

Free doughnuts Friday, June 5 at Dunkin' Donuts, Krispy Kreme

Filed under: Fantastic Freebies

Dunkin' Donuts is celebrating National Donut Day on Friday, June 5 by giving away a free doughnut with the purchase of any beverage, while supplies last.

Krispy Kreme is also giving away one doughnut per customer on Friday, and no purchase is required.

National Donut Day is celebrated the first Friday in June. It was established in 1938 by the Chicago Salvation Army to raise money during the Great Depression

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Stones for energy Healing

Stone Energy for Healing
Agate: Blending and binding of energies for strength and protection. Organizational qualities, very simplistic causing a stabilizing effect. Eliminates negativity whilst stabilizing and cleansing the aura. A stone of luck, it helps you in your endeavors, giving you the strength of carry them through. There are lots of varieties of Agates.

Agate blue lace: For gentle people who need help in speaking out for themselves. This stone strengthens the skeleton system, so will help in mending fractures and breaks and help sufferers of arthritis.

Agate Brazilian: This fortification agate can help in astral travel and meditation. Good for pain, it helps with strains and sprains, enhances digestion and stabilizes the heart and pulse rate.

Agate fire: The fire helps you to be the best you can be.

Agate crazy-lace: Good for the bio-rhythmic highs and lows, as it brings them into balance and gives you high levels of energy. The “crazy” bit helps you to laugh out loud.

Agate moss: For ego and self-esteem, it balances the emotions and strengthens your positive traits.

Agate Turritella: Use for fatigue and general health and when overcoming life’s general trial and tribulations and it is a stone for survival.

Amazonite: Another stone for the maintenance of health, Amazonite is a stone of courage to help you achieve your dreams. Good for attracting money, use for matters of the heart, especially when communication is required.

Alexandrite: Stimulates happiness and pleasant surprises. Good fortune and success in speculative matters.

Amazonite: Relating to skeletal part of the body, spasms, soothes nervous system, strengthens physical stamina.

Amber: Absorbs negative energy, helps to ground you to the earth plane, protection for the sensitive person. Containing the energy of the sun, this is a stone of energy to calm the nerves and brighten up your life. A stone of luck, strength, healing and protection, I wear a piece of amber all the time. It is a talisman of travel, so keep a piece in the car. In days gone by, it would have been ground down and used as a penicillin-type remedy. Its healing capabilities purify the body, mind and spirit. Yellow amber brings forward creative energies, whilst green amber opens the heart and attracts love.

Amethyst: Healing, calming mental effect, enhances the meditative state, creates pure thoughts, spiritual insight, relaxation, higher values, Also transmute negativity and enhances dream state. The stone of contentment dissolves stress and helps you simply to cope with life’s issues by lifting the spirits. It brings strength, calm and peace. It aids meditation whilst helping you to find your spiritual path. It brings common sense and flexibility in decision-making and changes needed. In the past, it was used to avoid drunkenness. Good for posture and the skeleton system, it is commonly used for arthritis. It also helps insomnia and headaches (usually resulting from stress), and opens the way to the 6th sense, sharpening the psychic mind.

Ametrine: Higher mental opening for meditation and inspiration which can be utilized here on the earth plane to bring more stability and order into your life

Angelite: Connected to the throat chakra, this is a stone of communication, enhancing astral travel and telepathic communication, channeling and psychic healing. Use for throat problems.

Apache Tears: Volcanic glass. A stone of protection that prevents emotional draining from others, works as a shield against unwanted vibrations, sharpens vision, helps with transitions

Apatite: Apatite enhances creativity, healing, communication and teaching, whilst enhancing clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and insight into past life.

Apophyllite: A member of the Zeolite family, this is the stone for computers as it transforms the positive ions into negative ones, ensuring the body is not harmed. It also helps Reiki energy to flow. A useful stone for astral travel, it also brings light, energy and love into your heart.

Aquamarine: This is the stone if you need to “always be prepared”, it’s gentle energy helps judgmental people to be more tolerant, and those who get swamped down with responsibility to stand up for themselves, whilst bringing order to the chaos.

Aventurine: Increases visionary powers, intuition and perception, a stone of opportunity and good luck, stabilizing effect. A stone for the heart, it calms troubles emotions, and as a money and lucky stone, it attracts prosperity. It helps enhance leadership qualities and strengthens the instinctive part of your nature.

Azurite: Aids in communication, clearing thoughts, a quality of penetration, cleanses negative mental states, insight, vision and hypnosis A psychic stone, azurite provides insight into all areas of your life. It enhances creativity and decision-making, confidence and memory. Use for healing magick and energy blockages. This stone will help give your life direction, and aid meditation and relaxation

Banded Agate: The bands and stripes around agates are for the sensitive person, like loving arms surrounding you. It instills courage and extra strength to face life’s challenges.

Black Tourmaline: This stone works as a protective shield pushing away all negativity, even yours. Tourmaline does not hold any energy, it is used as a channeling device for the magnetic energy to flow through

Bloodstone: A stone of protection to prevent injury and disease. Used for blood purification and aids circulation. Use to revitalize love and friendships and to benefit the internal workings of the body. As its name suggests, it keeps the blood healthy and helps in blood-related diseases. It is a wonderful stone for healing children. It lengthens the life span and eliminates anger. Helpful in court and legal matters, it is also a money stone. Carry or place in the till to attract wealth. It is a good stone when your creative abilities or talents need directing.

Bornite: Also most often known as Peacock Rock, this is the stone for joy and happiness. It helps in situations where something needs letting go of, especially if it will then increase your ability to enjoy life. It can also help you to realise those things that are blocking your life and must be dealt with

Blue Lace Agate: It gets the energy to flowing in order to soften and calm the mind. Higher states of consciousness, balances psychic centers.

Blue Topaz: Adds spiritual strength. A stone which calms, soothes and sedates. Brings a peaceful and natural healing state of consciousness.

Blue Tourmaline: Adds spiritual strength and knowledge to the wearer, it intensifies creativity and inspiration to the artist or innovative person. A peaceful and natural healing stone.

Botswana Agate: Protection, increases physical strength, enhances sexual energy, protects sensitivity at times when you are most vulnerable

Calcite: A major balancer of the body, this stone comes in every chakra colour. It helps the body to remember what it was like when it was without illness, and go back there. Good for students of Arts and Sciences. Use clear calcite for meditation and connection to the upper realms, pink for love rituals, green for money spells, blue for healing and orange for energy. A very useful stone.

Carnelian: Stimulates energy and appetite, physical power and courage, helps to ground you to the physical plane, practical application of ideas. This stone increase physical energy and stimulates the sexual regions. It eliminated apathy and stimulates inquisitiveness. It also allows us to get rid of things that need dealing with, things that anger us - envy, jealousy and all the negative emotions that we try and hide. Good for the study of drama and theatrical pursuits

Cat’s Eye: Insight and perception, the “all-seeing third eye divine vision, good judgment, seeing things clearly, clarity of ideas and grounding

Celestite: This is a beautiful blue crystal cluster and brings about a feeling of inner peace. It brings and calm and balance in times of despair and love and light in times of pain.

Chalcedony: A stone to balance body, emotions, mind and spirit, chalcedony increases mental stability and eliminates sadness. Place under the pillow to be rid of nightmares or wear to protect against psychic attack. Its green colour ensures success in all undertakings, and it also attracts luck

Charoite: This beautiful purple stone from Russia allows the heart to open to receive love and connects us to the spiritual dimensions. A wonderful stone of transformation, Charoite also assists in the 2nd sight, and the bringer of healing by cleansing the body and helping it transform illness to well-being

Chiastolite: Known as the Cross-stone, this averts the evil eye, dispels negativity, and brings about change by helping you grasp a hold in the “new” area.

Chryso_phase: Attunement and compassion, tranquilizing effect, unconditional love, appreciation of little things, enhances sensitivity

Chrysocolla: Physical activity, stimulates the mind, brings balance to fears and guilt, especially calming and relaxing for emotions A stone of emotion and love, I refer to this as a woman’s stone. It eases emotional heartache and opens our capacity to love. It gives inner strength in times of communication and endurance in long and stressful situations. Good for stabilizing the home and eliminating negativity within a person. If you suffer from lung problems, wear chrysocolla as it re-oxygenates the cellular structure

Chrysoprase: For compassion and clemency, Chrysoprase banishes greed, envy, jealousy, selfishness and tension whilst attracting friends and success without judgment and bringing about a feeling of joy. Use also for protection and to attract money.

Citrine: Provides a sense of stability, application, adds energy and emotional balance, rational approach things. The stone for health, wealth and happiness, this links us to the very center of our being. It never needs cleansing. It helps us focus on our aims with optimism and laugh with meaning. A positive stone for relationships, business and family. It stabilizes the emotions and look for the good and positive in all situations. A lot of citrine on the market is actually heat-treated amethyst, which will simply not do the job so beware.

Copper: . Apart from increasing circulation and helpful for arthritis and rheumatism, it enhances creativity, stimulates optimism and combats lethargy. If wearing a copper bracelet, remember to wear on the opposite wrist to the hand you write with, if you see what I mean.

Danburite: Danburite allows your inner light to shine and helps you to get along with others. It activates the mind and opens the heart to help you to love yourself.

Diamond: Intensifies and activates what is within, absorbs all energies both good and bad, generousity, openness, boldness and optimism. For love and harmony, it brings confidence to your emotions and trust and fidelity to relationships. It fills the aura with healing light and attracts abundance into your life. It releases any sexual dysfunction and reconciles quarrelling lovers.

Diptase: An aesthetic quality for overworking, overstudying, when the brain has been overly stimulated, Mental and spiritual attunement.

Dumortierite: This is the stone for you if you need to be able to stand up for yourself. It enhances patience and stamina whilst clearing away any unsettled areas in relationships

Emerald: Strengthens memory, increases intelligence, foresight and prophecy, clear seeing, wisdom, enhances speech and creativity For loyalty, sensitivity and domestic bliss, emerald helps you to know the right action to take. It brings harmony to your life as well as love. It also can be used if you are involved in legal affairs and promotes sales in business affairs. Wear secretly to attract a lover into your life

Flint: Use to relieve shyness and severing ties in distressful situations, this protective stone should be placed on altars during rituals and spells. Seek out from the beach. Place on windowsills and at doorways to ensure your home is also protected at all times

Flourite: Clears the fog of illusion. creates order out of chaos. Concentration and clarity. Perfect health an order on every level. Purification and harmony. Helps to heal viral infections , tumors, DNA. This beautifully colored stone is wonderful for all health problems as it helps counteract anything that is in disorder, by purifying and eliminating. Is also helps bring order to those chaotic situations that we all come across. Use the green fluorite to spring-clean your life and eliminate anything that is negative in your life. Place on computers as well, for balancing the body and ensuring the harmful ions are eliminated.

Garnet: The stone of devotion, to others, to self, to one’s aim. Awakens the “inner fire of creativity. Provides regeneration and balance. Draws negativity away from the chakras. Inspires love and passion. Attracts good luck. protection from toxins, depression, anemia and disorder. Garnet is known as the stone of health, and brings order to that which is in disorder. It gets rid of things at the onset, and is best known for its regenerative powers in the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual systems. A gentle, steady progressive stone

Gold: The majestic metal improves character from learning situations, and attracts honor, wealth and happiness. Gold purifies the physical body, clears negativity from the chakras and rebuilds the nervous system. Can also balance the left hand/right hand sides of the brain so use in conditions where physical co-ordination needs attention.

Hematite: Photographic memory, Clarity, balance, and calm reason. Dissolves negativity, and transforms it into Love. Assists of one in creating peaceful, loving, kind relationships. Helps heal , tumors and anemia This is the stone to help you “go for it & reach for the sun”, should that be the push you need. It attracts good love into your life, whilst bringing tranquility, peace and inner happiness. A stone you will either love or hate, it helps with spinal problems and bone fractures. Good for grounding.

Herkimer: Known as diamonds, these are small, double-terminated quartz found in New York only, and carry an expensive price tag for the real McCoy. They help you to “begin again”, increase energy and relaxation, whichever is most required. They stimulate the clairvoyance and clairaudience capabilities whilst eliminating fear and repression. Herkimers dispel toxins from the body, alleviates tension and brings calm to the user. Lovers can hold 2 diamonds in their entwined hands, pouring their love for each other into the stones, kiss and then keep one each. This way, even when parted, the Herkimer contains part of them and keeps you linked together.

Lolite: Lolite is the stone for astral travel and guided meditations. It helps release any unwanted discord from your life, and enables you to enjoy each moment life has to offer. Good for getting rid of debts as it helps you to face up to your responsibilities and deal with them. Good for the liver

Jade: Strengthens heart, kidneys and immune system. Helps cleanse the blood, increases longevity and fertility. Aids in eye disorders and female problems. A powerful emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love, Clarity, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom. Peaceful and nurturing. Dispels negativity. The stone of dreamers should be placed under the pillow if you wish to recall your dreams. Wear to attract love and to assist healing and well-being. Good for confidence and for aiding self-sufficiency, it can attract money if so programmed

Jasper: Highly valued shaman as a sacred and powerful stone of protection and grounding. Provides safety during astral travel. Brings the energy of the sun to rejuvenate and strengthen the body. Helps tissue and smell This stone is a reminder that we are not just here for ourselves but for others as well. It is protective and balancing, stabilizes the aura, eliminates negativity and cleanses the body. Good for energy when it is required to be high, and calming when the nerves are frazzled.

Jet: Good Whitby jet is so hard to find these days, but is required by all witches. Protective for businesses and travelers, it also helps in cases of depression. Use to stabilize finances.

Kunzite: A stone for the heart and expressing emotions, this is the “drug” of all stones. The trip on Kunzite can be quite stimulating, bringing calm when distracted, and wisdom when needed. It stimulates sensitivity and sensuality. Good for the heart muscles, lungs and circulation. Place on your desk if you work in stressful conditions, and keep in the car if you are constantly stuck in traffic, as it calms the nerves. A lovely stone.

Kyanite: Another stone that never needs cleansing, this balances the whole body, aura and chakras. It brings calm and tranquility and gets rid of frustration and anger. The stone for meditation and dreaming

Labradorite: It has the energy of both the sun and the moon, giving you strength, energy and perseverance in times of change and challenge, but also filling the voids in the aura for healing and giving peace of mind. It helps you to reach your destiny and brings clear psychic wisdom. It reduces anxiety and stress, and above all, it’s a wonderful stone to look at and play with.

Lapis Lazuli: Cleanses the mind body and spirit of toxins and negativity. Encourages integrity in relationships. Strengthens the immune system A major healer, this is the best stone for depression and to help you smile. It helps bring success to relationships and organization to your life. It is protective against both physical danger and psychic attack. Use for all muscular, skeletal and cellular disorders

Larimar: Known as Pectolite, this is a stone for business if customers are in need. It releases chains in a material world. It enhances healing, peace and clarity, bringing inner wisdom and physical manifestation.

Lepidolite: This lilac stone reduces stress and gives hope. It is the stone for transition, helping you to co-ordinate the new and bring about change smoothly. It brings trust, honesty and openness and clears blockages.

Malachite: Powerful healer, absorbs illness directly. Clarifies and keeps clear path. Assists in the manifestation of the heart’s desire. Strengthens intuition, and can reveal the root of the problem. Provides protection for children and love for those who need it. Place a piece in areas where sales need improving. If you need to reach a desired goal, malachite helps to remove obstacles and attain the desired end result. It helps accept responsibility for your actions. It brings fidelity to relationships, loyalty in partnerships and friendships and responsibility in business. It helps you attain your spiritual quest and progression. Helpful for asthma, arthritis, swollen joints and torn muscles. It will also enhance your immune system

Moldavite: The ultimate meteor, this will have no attraction until such times, as you are ready. It will do what it needs to do for you when you need it. That is why you have to be ready to understand the message

Moonstone: Stone of wishes, intuition, and balance of emotions. Brings all that is needed. New beginnings, rebirth, motherly love, support, encouragement. Absorbs pain and illness The stone for women, this is protective and a talisman for females, so give to women traveling abroad etc. This balances the female body and cycles and rejuvenates the skin, hair and eyes. It is the stone for hopes and dreams, bringing what is needed (not wanted) to the user. It helps you to understand emotions and to exhibit self-expression with diplomacy, confidence and composure. It is a stone of good fortune and luck, bringing happiness to the home and harmony between lovers pour your desires into the stone and give to your partner. A very useful stone

Morganite: This is pink Beryl, which is used to activate and cleanse the heart and bring love into your life. It will also help love to grow and prosper and listen with your heart. Very powerful stone for the lungs, it helps oxygenate and rejuvenate, so use for asthma, TB, etc.

Moss Agate: Abundance, balance, and self-confidence. Harmonizes and attracts beauty. Accentuates all positive personality traits. Great stone for gardeners and attuning to earth . Helps heal allergies, skin, infection.

Obsidian Black: Use for grounding and protection, this protects against negativity and negative thoughts. It allows you to see future actions and brings creativity in all endeavors.

Obsidian Rainbow: The rainbow brings love light and hope into your life and allows you to obtain pleasure and enjoyment, especially in love and family matters.

Onyx: Visions, and guidance through meditation and dreams. Balances Yin and Yang. Reveals one’s own duality. Helpful in treating glaucoma, epilepsy, cell damage.

Opal: Intensifies and encourages moment by moment “being-ness”. Attracts flashes of inspiration, psychic insights, and clairvoyance. Opal surrounds the user with aura and mystery, intensity, charisma. Heals and clears eyesight, and balances the metabolism.

Pearl: Use for faith, focus and integrity, it symbolizes purity and sincerity. It calms noisy and boisterous behavior. Use to increase fertility and assist childbirth

Peridot: A warm, friendly, happy stone. Tonic for the whole body. Strengthens, and regenerates all organs. stimulating new, healthy growth. Protects the user from negativity. Helps heal infection, ulcers, and thyroid The green stone attracts money and love. It brings openness in love and relationships. It regulates the cycles in your life, cleanses the chakras, and heals a bruised ego, bringing happiness into your daily life. Its healing capacity is a tonic to the body, strengthening and rejuvenating.

Pyrite: The energy of the sun provides a protective shield, eliminating negativity and bringing about a flawless state of health. Puts the sunshine back in your life

Quartz: Amplifies, focuses, stores, transforms, energies. Perfect for focusing affirmations and prayers. Stimulates psychic perception. Teaches each person at their own level, and at their own speed. Good for the mind, body and soul, this is the main crystal. It does everything, and increases the ability of the other crystals in its field. Use for meditation, pain and all healing. If you only use one crystal, make sure it is quartz. Remember, its energy runs our world imagine what it can do for you

Rose Quartz: Heals emotional pain with its gentle calming salve. Balances Yin and Yang. Opens the heart to beauty within and without Cherubic energies are attracted to the user, protecting, and dissolving negativity The stone of gentle love, this energy is soft and gentle, bringing peace and calm to relationships and helping you to leave the past behind, healing emotional scars. It helps you to feel good about yourself if you feel good about yourself, you can love others as well. Its calm energy dissolves stress and tension. Best stone used for soul mate spells. Program the stone to bring your soul mate to you and then wear the stone against your skin at all times. Your soul mate will walk into your life in no time

Rhodonite: A stone of love, this helps you reach your potential whilst dispelling chaos and anxiety.

Ruby: The stone of love, surrounds user with an aura of beauty, and can actually transform the appearance. Protects one from all negativity, and physical harm or illness. Attracts stability, and loyalty. Whoever owns ruby will always be wealthy, thus stabilizing your finances. It helps concentration, and brings success in controversy. It protects against psychic attack and allows light into your life. You can change the world with this stone, if you really want to. Remember it must be real.

Rutile: Usually an inclusion in quartz, Rutile is the hair of Venus, the arrows of love. This stabilizes relationship and any physical and mental imbalance. It eliminates interference, and stimulates sexuality.

Sapphire: Draws protection, and prophetic wisdom to the user. Attracts and oversees ones divine destiny or “mission” in life, instilling hope, faith and joy during the journey. Sapphire can focus healing, loving energy on anyone that needing it, without the user’s participation, in this way it seems to possess an innate higher intelligence of it’s own. Promotes fidelity between lovers, and brings their feelings together. In fact, use for any relationship problem, not just marital. Use for legal matters. Wear to strengthen your ability to induce psychism. It will bring joy and peace to those that wear it (real, not grown) and will help balance both mind and body.

Selenite: Use for clarity of the mind and energy to the body. The main things is access to past lives allowing you to see what is required this life and why. It extends the lifespan if so programmed

Silver: The female metal, use at the time of the new and full moon. It provided patience and perseverance in your chosen tasks, and brings about connection with the spiritual plane.

Smoky Quartz: Grounding and healing, this subtle stone works slower and gentler than quartz. It balances the mind, body and energy levels, whilst stimulating higher awareness of the psychic realms. Its gentle action avoids healing crisis’. It brings joy in living and insight into challenging matters.

Sodalite: This stone helps make strong friendships, enhancing self-esteem, self-trust and trust in others. Use also in group situations. It can eliminate confusion and stimulates intellect

Staurolite: Known as the fairy cross, this is a good luck talisman. It relieves stress and depression and eliminates addictive traits. The only stone if you wish to stop smoking, as it provides the grounding that smoking apparently provides.

Sugilite: This purple stone activates the psychic awareness and aids meditation. It reminds you of the reason you are here, now. It eliminates hostility, anger, jealousy and prejudice, and gives you a feeling of being free. It brings peace and calm in times of despair and helps you learn the lessons of life.

Tektite: A talisman of fertility, wealth and a bringer of power and energy. Used by psychic surgeons, it brings light and healing.

Tiger-eye: Use for study and dilemmas, this energy eliminates the blues and brings about optimism and brightness. It opens up your passion for life, and stimulates wealth and stability. Use for courage and conviction, as well as healing. A sunny bright stone.

Tourmaline: Brings healing power to user. Excellent for balancing left and right brain, as well as all of chakras. Gives the user discernment and “sight” into any given situation. Inspires and awakens. Tourmaline attracts inspiration and encourages self-esteem. It balances the energy centers of the body and balances the brain.

Tourmaline black: Known as Schorl, this is grounding and protective. It increases physical vitality and emotional stability, maintaining the spirit even in times of gloom and doom. Use for sending negative spells back to their source it actually increases well being of its victim.

Tourmaline Pink: Brings love and friendship, joy and enthusiasm, hope and peace.

Tourmaline Red: Rubellite strengthens the will and promotes courage.

Tourmaline Green: Use to draw money and attract success, prosperity and abundance. Use in the study of plants. Wear for weight loss.

Turquoise: Attunes the physical to the higher realms. Aligns all chakras, creating a clear channel for nurturing, and creative energy of this sacred stone. Protects and blesses the user. A master healer, it averts the evil eye and protects its wearer. It brings peace of mind and heals the spirit. It brings clarity of mind and enhances trust and kindness. A warm stone, it can initiate romance and love. It strengthens the entire body and eliminates all that is in dis-order.

Tiger Eye: Creates order out of chaos. Harmony. Balances emotions and brings clarity and focus to mind. Grounding. stability. Enhances instinctive, psychic abilities. Attracts beauty and abundance. Practical wisdom. Helps heals wounds, bruises, eyes and throat.

Topaz: Allows one to focus their wishes and dreams into it, while it’s many facets reflect, and powerfully beam them out to the universe for fulfillment. Intentional creation, Emanates light and warmth, and is a powerfully magnetic healing stone, absorbing tension, pain and disease. Attracts love and prosperity, as well as communication from other realms

Zircon: Strengthens mind. Aids bowel problems. Balances pituitary and pineal glands. Aligns subtle bodies. Gives emotional balance and self-esteem. Aids in sleep. Similar properties as diamond and quartz crystal.

Zeolite: As Apophyllite, this is the group stone. Also includes prenite and stulbite. All useful for computers, toxins and Reiki.

Rhodonite Pink, black inclusions. Works with Heart Chakra; helps us express confidence and lovingness on physical plane in day to day ways. Calms and feeds the soul through the heart. Soothes nightmares. Stress, heartache, loss, etc. Very good for speech and hearing problems. Eases Asthma suffering.

Coral Calcium and calcite. Red and orange: stimulates Root and Spleen Chakra for energy and warmth, fertility. Energizes emotions. Muscles, blood, heart, reproductive system; thyroid, metabolism; meridians; spine, bone and tissue regeneration. (It is best not used if you have high blood pressure, fever or are anxious.)

Red is more masculine, calming and attuning to the Earths energies and providing protection.

Pink: Heart Chakra, increases sensitivity, caring, compassion.

White: Soothes; heals meridians, stress, smell ability, nerves.

Black: Creativity repels lower energies.

Mother of Pearl (MOP) Beads/decor made of glossy pearly inside of pearl oyster shell. (Isn’t a stone) Carries the gentle, peaceful healing energy of the sea. Relaxes, soothes emotions, sensitivity, stress.

Obsidian Volcanic glass which cannot be used for evil.

Smoky. Helps with hearing defects.

Black. This is the Wizards stone and much prized.

Golden. For protection and invigorating.

Green. Use with other stones to heal and charge them if they have been misused.

Rainbow. contains the essence of the joy of life in all the colors.

Mahogany. Reduces tension especially if stroked.

Snowflake. Use for astral travel and clairaudience absorbs negative energy and therefore is used to cleanse before crystal healing.

Tanzanite Rare, Clear, blue-purple-violate Zoisite crystal. (Use clear ones for healing meditation.) Placed on brow, it powerfully opens brow plus Crown centers for clairaudience, visions, spiritual connectedness, protection, manifesting. Helps expand our physical and mental seeing, hearing, hair, skin.

This was copied from nativevision on beadspace.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Birth Stones


Nothing is carved in stone
Month Modern Traditional Mystical Ayurvedic
January Garnet Garnet Emerald Garnet
February Amethyst Amethyst Bloodstone Amethyst
March Aquamarine Bloodstone Jade Bloodstone
April Diamond Diamond Opal Diamond
May Emerald Emerald Sapphire Agate
June Pearl, moonstone Alexandrite Moonstone Pearl
July Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
August Peridot Sardonyx Diamond Sapphire
September Sapphire Sapphire Agate Moonstone
October Opal, tourmaline Tourmaline Jasper Opal
November Yellow topaz, citrine Citrine Citrine Pearl
December Blue topaz, turquoise Zircon, Onyx Ruby
tanzanite turquoise
lapis lazuli

Not crazy about your birthstone? Don’t worry, you have options. Modern, traditional, mystical
and even Ayurvedic birthstones. There are even stones for the season, day, or hour you were
born. You can make someone jewelry made with the stones from the month, day and hour of
their birth – how much more personal can you get?

Season Stone
Spring Emerald
Summer Ruby
Autumn Sapphire
Winter Diamond

Day Stone
Sunday Topaz, sunstone
Monday Rock crystal, pearl, moonstone
Tuesday Ruby, emerald, star sapphire
Wednesday Amethyst, lodestone or star ruby
Thursday Sapphire, carnelian or cat’s eye
Friday Emerald, cat’s eye or alexandrite
Saturday Turquoise, diamond, labradorite

Hour of Stone
the day
1 am Smoky quartz
2 am Hematite
3 am Malachite
4 am Lapis lazuli
5 am Turquoise
6 am Tourmaline
7 am Chrysolite
8 am Amethyst
9 am Kunzite
10 am Sapphire
11 am Garnet
12 am Diamond
1 pm Zircon
2 pm Emerald
3 pm Beryl
4 pm Topaz
5 pm Ruby
6 pm Opal
7 pm Sardonyx
8 pm Chalcedony
9 pm Jade
10 pm Jasper
11 pm Lodestone
12 pm Onyx

I copied this from Bead Style's Notebook. Some of the colors surprised me. I just wanted people to see that they can wear other stones than just the traditional's ones.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope you all have a good Easter.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting New Inventory

I just ordered some new inventory for me to make more wolf necklaces and key chains. I also got a good deal on watch faces. I just picked up some red glass beads and key chains to make some wolf inspired jewelry and keycains. I also ordered little baby feet and small apples. I have a friend who is having a baby boy in august and I want to make her some cell phone charms with babies feet and a baby blue bead or crystal, I am not sure which is going to be better for me.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Bead Show at Crown Plaza

Yesterday I went to my first bead show at the Crown Plaza in Cromwell Ct. There where a lot of people there. I noticed that there where a couple of people selling their items by weight. One dealer had ten strands for twenty five dollars which I thought was good I got four strands of rose quartz, two stands of jade, two stands of aventurine, and two stands of green carnelian stone. I also found some hematite for seventy five cents a strand. I saw some Lapis that I would have like but I thought it was expensive. The next time I am going to a show I am going to look at prices on the net before I go.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bead Show

There is a bead show at the Crown Plaza in Cromwell, Ct on March 28 and 29. This will be the very first bead show that I have been to. I have been reading that I should bring copies of my EIN and my sales tax license. Because some of the people will give you a discount if you are a wholesaler. I am taking a small notebook to have a list of things that need. When I see them I can write down the booth number and go back and get them later. My main purpose is to get business cards, so I can connect with them later if I need to. I am hoping to get some new ideas for making new things. I will update after the show.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Missing Boy, Please Help Find Him

A mommy friend from another mommy site has a missng son. He is 15 years old, and is name is Thomas Shelby. He ran away from his father's house on March 9th and was spotted on March 14th around 11am at the JumpStop station on I-44 (exit 67) in Springfield MO. He was wearing a white zip-up hoodie with dark lining, a dark colored tshirt with writing (illedgible) and blue jeans. He was with a woman approximately late 30's to early 40's. She had dirty blonde chin length hair. She was wearing a lime green zip up athletic jacket with exercise (yoga-style) pants.

His grandmother and aunt and uncle saw the video.

So now we know he is at least somewhat safe. However, we do not know who this woman is and now that we know he has help and transportation, it does make finding him that much harder.

IF YOU ARE FROM THE FOUR STATE AREA (if you receive "Four State News Channels" this means YOU), PLEASE KEEP YOUR EYE OUT!

Here are two pictures of Thomas provided by his mother:

If you see this boy, please contact your local police department IMMEDIATELY! His family wants him home.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Banner and Avatar For All of My Sites

I just wanted to say to Vanessa from a big thanks for helping me with my logo and making it into a banner and avatar. I also wanted to say another thanks to Amy from for referring me to Vanessa. Thanks a whole bunch ladies.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

For Our Good Friend

Last month one of my friends died. He was battling cancer for fifteen years. After he died his son got really sick and still is, they had to put a tube into him so he eat. My daughter said that our friend needed some good luck so she helped me design a necklace for her. My daughter hopes with this necklace that our friend will have better luck since her husband just died from cancer and her son is very sick too.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Jewelry for Spring

These are the necklaces, bracelets and earrings that I have done in the past few days.

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Charms, Watch Faces and Swarovski Crystals

I am really excited my new charms came in that I ordered from I ordered autsim charms, wine charms, swim wear charms and eagle charms. The girls team mascot is the eagle so I will make them a necklace with the eagle on it. I ordered some crystals. some came in the other day. The colors I have now are peridot, vintage rose, jonquil, carribean blue opal, smoky quartz, black diamond, crystal, rose, lime and blue zicron. The colors that have not come in yet are light colorado topaz, fire opal, jet, emerald, garnet, tanzanite, capri blue, aquamarine, turquiose and another color but I forgot what it was.

I also ordered watch faces and they should be in this week too. So, I will have plenty to work on. I am excited about making watches with the faces I ordered.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Missing Girl, Please Help Find Her

Here is a pic of her now and 6 months ago!! Her name is Adrianna Johnson and she suffers from depression and is a danger to herself!! She ran away from her foster home 3 days ago and hasn't been seen since! If you see her please call Baltimore County police @ 410-887-7377 or contact me thru here in a pm. Thanks!! She was living in the White Marsh-Perry Hall area but has been known also in the Gwynn Oak-Catonsville area, too.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My New Web Site

The other day I went to get into website through and I could not get in. So I called them and I didn't have any luck with them. I have started a new site. I do not have all my products on there. In will be adding new every day. I would like your opinion on my site.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Scam- Please watch out

Important information. Please read..

Today I received the following email.

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have
determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $869.
Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 3-9 days in order to
process it.

A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons.
For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.

To access your tax refund, please click here

Best Regards,
Tax Refund Deparment
Internal Revenue Service

© Copyright 2009, Internal Revenue Service U.S.A. All rights reserved.

It did not seem right, so I checked it out. It is definately a phishing scam. DO NOT go to the "click here" sight. It could give them access to your computer and information. The IRS will NEVER contact you in this way unless it is to respond to an email question YOU initiated. The ONLY way the IRS will contact is by regular mail, and there will ALWAYS be a phone number to respond to them with any questions. They will NEVER ask you any personal information as verification. They will ask for the letter reference number only.

Thursday, January 29, 2009